It is certainly true that a single herd sire is responsible for 50% of your herd but we know that each doe is responsible for 50% of her offspring. We are very adamant about retaining only the very best does in our foundation herd. We evaluate our entire herd based on multiple factors twice per year. Mothering ability is obviously very important for any doe. Aside from that, we expect to see correct and well attached udders and overall good and correct body conformation, parasite resistance, and good feet. These characteristics are the minimum qualities we must see in our does. It is even more important that they pass these very important traits on to their kids. It takes years of producing offspring to get a true evaluation of what your herd is producing. We are very happy to say that we have multiple generations of many of our does that are strong, well built, and productive. Our goal is to combine our very best does with their very best match in a herd sire to create breed stock that holds true to the qualities that Kiko goats are so well known for. You can see some of our matriarch does below.
We still have photos and information to add below! Pedigrees will be linked soon as well. Check back for updates or feel free to contact us with questions. Click on the photos to enlarge.