Natural Breeding &Â Artificial Insemination
Our current herd sires are pictured below with some brief information. We also produce kids by means of Artificial Insemination from well known, and sometimes rare semen straws from legendary Kikos' past.

Honcho's Keeper is a son of Goliath's Imprint (aka Boss), a full brother to Goliath's Keeper, and the grandson of Goatex Goliath (the largest of the originally imported bucks). His dams side is also impressive. She was a daughter of Tay Onyx (a son of Tasman Zoro) and granddaughter of Sunboy 117 (Loverboy). Honcho has been producing offspring here since late 2019 and since then he has become a fundamental part of our herd. He has already produced a few bucks that have went on to sire herds of their own. He is also producing top quality does that have all inherited his propensity for muscle development, good feet, parasite resistance, and overall hardiness. We have several of his daughters in our breeding program and so far they are showing fantastic mothering abilities and have nice udders as well. Both sons and daughters alike have had impressive confirmation, nice square chest, and have had consistent heavy weaning weights. They also have that thick, muscled rear that is so hard to get on a Kiko. As they grow and mature, they become phenomenal grazers and foragers and despite their size, they maintain body condition better, and with less input than many lines we've worked with. Honcho has sons and daughters performing well in herds as far southwest as Texas, as far north as Wisconsin and New York, and as far south east as FL. In any state, they all seem to adjust well to the different climates and management styles.
Honcho's daughter, Honcho's Legacy was the highest selling doe at the 2023 MPI in WV and in 2024 another Honcho daughter, Honcho's Big Money (formally Honcho's Juliet) was not only the MPI's highest selling doe, she broke previous records making her the highest selling Kiko goat ever in a Kiko event.

In 2019 we were blessed to purchase the two high selling does at the Cream of the Crop in Indiana. They were both purebreds and both surrogate mothers to some pretty special and rare embryos. It was an exciting day when Warson was born. His sire was Warsaw, a name well known by just about anyone that knows some history about the breed. The parasite resistance that he is most known for was another trait that we wanted to focus on in our herd. Warson nursed from his surrogate mother for 90 days and from birth and without creep feeding or special attention we watched as he grew because we wanted to see what he was capable of, especially once we weaned him as this is a stressful time for kids. His parasite resistance is still impressive, and we were very happy with his overall conformation, not to mention his great feet. Now, we are beginning to see how well he can pass those traits on to his offspring. He sired his first kids in the fall of 2020 and now several seasons have passed and we are thoroughly impressed with what we have seen out of Warson and his offspring. He is producing nothing short of what we were hoping to see out of him, and passing to the next generation, the traits that Kikos are so well known for.

Iron Man is several seasons in and has quickly progressed to a top herd sire producing both does and bucks that are now performing well in many herds. He is the product of an AI, a direct son of COO Iron Horse, but we bred him differently than any pedigree we'd seen previously. Our intent was to focus on the Tasman Zorro so we used one of our does that is double bred Tasman Zorro as the recipient for the Iron Horse straw which makes Iron Man himself triple bred TZ. This cross has absolutely impressed us. His and his offsprig's parasite resistance is great and Famancha scores are consistent. Conformation is exceptional. Iron Man himself carries a large solid frame, wide chest, and has a rear that doesn't disappoint. His growth from birth to maturity was beyond impressive and best of all, his offspring all seem to follow suit. We couldn't be more pleased with what he is producing and how he is performing on our farm and we are getting the same feed back from owners of his sons and daughters. We are looking forward to several more years of his production here.

Money, our newest herd sire here is definitely showing us his value as a doe maker. His 2023/2024 kid crop was his first real season here and he set out to impress. His does are definitely impressive and although their phenotype is different from what we typically produce his kids are fast growing, and thick! We purchased him at the 2022 Cream of the Crop Sale in Indiana where he was the high selling buck, and actually the highest selling kiko of the sale. He is a son of Sunboy 117 (Loverboy) out of a Titan's Hammer daughter and we are happy to be adding these lines so close up in our production here. He was brought to the farm too late for our 2022 breeding season but he was given a small number of does in 2023. After watching his kids grow out this year, we gave Money a slighly larger group of does that we thought might compliment his genetic characteristics. As we collect data we will know more but we are really happy with the size and conformation of the kids we have seen so far. Money was doe heavy this year, about 70% and we are looking forward to seeing how the kids mature.